Simon's Tithe Barn Account

I was really looking forward to the barn visit. On arrival myself and Russell remained outside the barn while the team were given the history of the barn. Whilst waiting I picked up on a spirit energy of a little girl in the nearby golf course. But as I was unable to gain access I had to ask the spirit to step back.

Once inside the barn Russell picked up a presence in the corner of the barn. The presence was up high. I also picked up on this later in the evening and also the presence of a girl. During the evening on our call outs, stones were thrown and tappings were caught on camera. Ross and I saw a woman walk across the barn. At the end of the evening a loud bang was heard at the end of the barn.

This was a great visit with a lot of activity throughout the evening. All the team witnessed some activity. Russell was really pleased, as history shows a monk hung himself in the barn and was found by a little girl.

Great night, well worth a future visit.



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